Meigs County Children Services acts as a safeguard for the children living in Meigs County. Children Services receives reports of alleged child abuse and neglect and then makes decisions regarding the reports. When necessary, the agency works with families to develop a plan and identify services to reduce risk of future abuse or neglect toward the children.
Meigs County MOU to Address Child Abuse and Neglect
In most cases the Children Services is able to provide services to the child and family while the child remains in the home. However, there are instances where the child cannot safely remain in the home and it is necessary for the PCSA to work with the local court system to remove the child from the situation. If the child is placed outside the home, the PCSA is required to develop a case plan detailing the activities which must occur to ensure the child is safely able to return home. If that is not possible, the plan will identify an alternative safe, stable, permanent living situation that promotes the child’s health, growth and development.
Child abuse and neglect cases are considered confidential by law. The law also does not allow Children Services to give you the name of the person who made the report of child abuse or neglect.