Meigs County JFS strives to administer and create programs that strengthen Meigs County, one family at a time, whether that family consists of a single individual or a multi-generational unit.

Meigs County JFS currently offers families a variety of programs that allow them to achieve economic stability and success.

Food and cash assistance is the financial support that families need to provide for their families during difficult times as they strive to become self sufficient.

Medicaid provides medical coverage for families and children to obtain the medical treatment they need until they can obtain medical insurance.

PRC (Prevention, Retention, and Contingency) helps people to maintain their self sufficiency by meeting specific needs through special programs.

Pregnancy Related Services connects pregnant woman with medical providers to administer their prenatal care and provide transportation to and from prenatal appointments.

Child Care not only meets the needs of parents with children, but also may be a form of income for someone wanting to be a daycare provider.

Transportation to and from doctor appointments is provided through the NET (Non-Emergency Transportation) program for Medicaid eligible families.

Community Resources offer Meigs County families a variety of resources. With this support system, we will be empowering children, adults, and families with the resources they need to achieve economic stability and success which will strengthen our community.


Meigs County Children Services

The Public Children Service Agency (PCSA) is required to receive reports of child abuse and neglect, and investigate those reports in a timely manner. The PCSA works with families to identify services and develop a case plan to reduce the risk of future abuse and/or neglect.

In most cases the PCSA is able to provide services to the child and family while the child remains in the home. However, there are instances where the child cannot safely remain in the home and it is necessary for the PCSA to work with the local court system to remove the child from the situation. If the child is placed outside the home, the PCSA is required to develop a case plan detailing the activities which must occur to ensure the child is safely able to return home. If that is not possible, the plan will identify an alternative safe, stable, permanent living situation that promotes the child’s health, growth and development.

The PCSA, also, provides homemaker services to families where child abuse and neglect situations are being corrected through a case plan. The PCSA provides 24 hour investigative services for child abuse and neglect complaints.


Click here for information on the Meigs County foster parent/adoption program.

Click here for additional information on children services programs in Ohio.

Click here to report instances of child abuse or neglect in Meigs County.